17. Which of the following statements is true in families where domestic violence occurs?

A. The children are less likely to be victims of abuse.
B. The children may use aggressive behavior when dealing with conflict.
C. Girls are affected by the violence more than boys.
D. School-age children are less affected than preschoolers.
Help me is C right.

I disagree. Please read your text.

To determine which of the options is true in families where domestic violence occurs, we can examine each statement and its likelihood.

A. The statement "The children are less likely to be victims of abuse" is unlikely to be true. Domestic violence in families puts children at a higher risk of experiencing abuse.

B. The statement "The children may use aggressive behavior when dealing with conflict" is likely to be true. Research suggests that children exposed to domestic violence may exhibit aggressive behavior as a coping mechanism or as a learned behavior.

C. The statement "Girls are affected by the violence more than boys" is also likely to be true. While both girls and boys can be affected by domestic violence, studies have shown that the impact on girls tends to be more severe in terms of psychological, emotional, and behavioral consequences.

D. The statement "School-age children are less affected than preschoolers" is unlikely to be true. While the impact of domestic violence can vary among children of different ages, school-age children are still at risk of experiencing negative effects such as lower academic achievement, behavioral problems, and mental health issues.

Based on this analysis, the correct statement among the options provided is C, which states that girls are affected by the violence more than boys.