13. The stress factor which is likely to cause the most severe behavioral consequences for children is

A. living in a stepfamily.
B. having a working mother.
C. living in persistent poverty.
My answer is C.

I agree!


You're welcome.

To determine which stress factor is likely to cause the most severe behavioral consequences for children, we need to consider the impact of each option and analyze the available information.

Option A, living in a stepfamily, can indeed be a source of stress for children due to changes in family dynamics and potential challenges in adjusting to a new blended family. However, the severity of the behavioral consequences may vary from one child to another. Some children may adapt well to stepfamily situations, while others may experience more difficulties.

Option B, having a working mother, does not necessarily indicate a significant stress factor for children. Many children have working mothers, and it can have positive effects, such as promoting independence and providing financial stability for the family. However, if a working mother's absence or lack of support leads to neglect or insufficient care, it could potentially impact the child's well-being.

Option C, living in persistent poverty, is a significant stress factor that can have severe behavioral consequences for children. Persistent poverty can create a variety of adversities, including limited access to education, healthcare, nutritious food, and safe living conditions. These adverse circumstances can contribute to chronic stress, feelings of insecurity, and a lack of opportunities for development, which can lead to lasting behavioral consequences in children.

Considering the information provided, option C, living in persistent poverty, is indeed the most likely stress factor to cause severe behavioral consequences for children. However, it's important to note that individual factors and experiences may vary, and other factors not mentioned here could also contribute to behavioral consequences in children.