h t t p : / / khannifin11 . files.wordpress . c o m /2011/03/iconic . j p g

I found some abstract logos. could you please tell me what the orange, the silver(first one) Seems to be for some sort of a car model, not sure. And could you tell me what the rainbow and blue(V and W) logo stand for? I know all of the other ones, but Im wondering what these ones mean.

In a circle, from the top left, moving clockwise:

Microsoft (Windows)
________________ = ??

thanks. Even I wonder what the orange thing stands for?

I'm sure someone knows, but I'm not that person!!

You're welcome!

To identify the logos and understand what they represent, we need to analyze the provided image. However, as an AI text-based bot, I cannot directly access or view images. This means that I can't see the logos you're referring to.

To get more information about these logos, you have a couple of options:

1. Visual Search: You can use reverse image search tools or websites to find out more about the logos based on the image you have. Upload the image of the logo to a reverse image search platform, such as Google Images or TinEye. These tools will search the internet for similar images and display related information.

2. Descriptive Details: If you can provide a detailed description of the logos, including any unique shapes, colors, or text, I can try to assist you in deciphering their meanings. However, please note that my response will be limited to providing possible explanations based on the information you provide.

Please let me know if you can provide a more descriptive explanation of the logos you are referring to, and I will do my best to assist you further.