Change the logarithmic expression to an equivalent expression involving an exponent.

Log1/5(1/625) = C

log(1/5*1/625) = logC,

log(1/3125) = logC,
-3.49 = logC,

logC = -3.49,
10^-3.39 = C,

C = 10^-3.49.

To change a logarithmic expression into an equivalent expression involving an exponent, you need to understand the relationship between logarithms and exponents.

In general, if you have a logarithm in the base b and an exponent x, it can be expressed as:

log base b (x) = y if and only if b^y = x

Now, let's apply this knowledge to the given problem.

The logarithmic expression is: log base 1/5 (1/625) = C

To express it as an equivalent expression involving an exponent:

1/5^C = 1/625

To simplify this further, let's convert 1/5 to its exponent form:

1/5^C = 1/5^(4/625)

Now, we need to eliminate the fraction from the exponent. To do this, we raise both sides to the power of 625:

(1/5^C)^625 = (1/5^(4/625))^625

By applying the exponent rule (a^m)^n = a^(m*n), we get:

1/5^(C*625) = 1/5^(4)

Since the bases on both sides of the equation are the same (5), we can equate the exponents:

C*625 = 4

To isolate C, divide both sides by 625:

C = 4/625

Therefore, the equivalent expression involving an exponent is:

1/5^C = 1/5^(4/625) = 1/5^(4) = 1/625

And the value of C is C = 4/625.