1. Tu te prépares pour l'école en combien de minutes?

Je prépare pour l'ecole en trente minutes.

2. Est-ce que tu te rases chaque jour?

How would I say.. No I do not shave ( Obviously not, since I'm a girl)

Non, je ne me rase pas ?

3. Qu'est-ce que tu fais quand tu es en ?

This question is also wierd.

I was thinking of replying with just j'attends. Anything else?

4. Est-ce que tu te peignes les cheveux en cours de français?

Is it asking..Do I get to comb my hair in French class?

Non, je ne peigne pas mes cheveux en cours de français.

5. Selon toi, est-ce que les filles de ton école se macquillent beaucoup?

Oui, selon moi, les filles de mon école se macquillent beaucoup.

6. Comment est-ce que tu te désguises pour le 31 octobre?

Je me déguiser en fée pour le 31 octobre.

1. Tu te prépares = if there is a Reflexive Verb in the question, there must be a Reflexive Verb in the answer = Je me prépare

2. exactement!

3. Perfectly good question = What do you do when you are late? Here's a good Reflexive Verb = se dépêcher = to hurry Try it?

4. Not "do you get to" but "Do you comb your hair in French class?

The answer MUST be Reflexive = Non, je ne me peigne pas LES cheveux = memorize this: "parts of the body and articles of clothing use the definite article, if it's clear WHOSE it is" Check the question which used a Reflexive Verb and LES cheveux. There was a reason for that.

5. bon!

6. oops = make sure the verb ending agrees with the subject. This is an -er verb = Je me déguise

Sra (aka Mme)

5. ...maquillent...

Now I know why that looked odd to me! Thanks MathMate! (Note the hour of my response after having no sleep the night before!)


I know what it's like.

I have had some late night answers that I didn't recognize the next day!

se maquiller, se déguiser, mind your spelling!

1. To answer the first question: "Tu te prépares pour l'école en combien de minutes?" (How long does it take you to get ready for school?), you would respond with "Je me prépare pour l'école en trente minutes" (I get ready for school in thirty minutes).

2. For the question "Est-ce que tu te rases chaque jour?" (Do you shave every day?), since you are a girl and do not shave, you would respond with "Non, je ne me rase pas" (No, I do not shave).

3. For the question "Qu'est-ce que tu fais quand tu es en ?" (What do you do when you are late?), if you want to simply respond with "j'attends" (I wait), it is a valid answer. However, you may also add other possible actions you take when you are late, such as "Je m'excuse auprès de mon professeur" (I apologize to my teacher), or "Je fais de mon mieux pour arriver le plus rapidement possible" (I do my best to arrive as quickly as possible).

4. The question "Est-ce que tu te peignes les cheveux en cours de français?" (Do you comb your hair in French class?) is asking if you comb your hair specifically during French class. You would respond with "Non, je ne peigne pas mes cheveux en cours de français" (No, I do not comb my hair in French class).

5. The question "Selon toi, est-ce que les filles de ton école se maquillent beaucoup?" (According to you, do girls in your school wear a lot of makeup?) requires your opinion. You can respond with "Oui, selon moi, les filles de mon école se maquillent beaucoup" (Yes, in my opinion, girls in my school wear a lot of makeup) or "Non, selon moi, les filles de mon école ne se maquillent pas beaucoup" (No, in my opinion, girls in my school do not wear a lot of makeup).

6. The question "Comment est-ce que tu te déguises pour le 31 octobre?" (How do you dress up for Halloween?) is asking about your Halloween costume. You would respond with "Je me déguise en fée pour le 31 octobre" (I dress up as a fairy for Halloween).