Can anyone check my HOMEWORK for me?

Its due today..thank you .
I am writinfg an essay, 2 paragraphs with a minimum of 350 words. I am to explaining my point of view and what I plan to accomplish on my final essay for the sememester. I have chosen a Topic already for the final and I am summarizing some plans for this topic.
I will take any advice or opinions.
Thanks so much.

My reason for writing this essay is to explain to individual’s why it is important to have a retirement plan and not rely on Social Security. When I write my essay I will argue against the topic “In the United States, we do not need to plan for retirement. Social Security will cover our needs when we are retired.” I will research many sources on the topic, along with my own research of others opinions, and my own opinion. I believe a strong case can be made against the topic, considering the baby boomers generation reaching retirement stage. With the baby boomers reaching retirement stage there will be less people working than there were when social security was put into place, and more people retiring. This is a great cause for us to consider IRA, and considering Social Security as a supplement. In my own opinion: When Social Security was put into place it was intended as a supplement, not a retirement plan. No one knows the expected cost for the future, so you can not solely rely on a Social Security. To live comfortably in your old age I will stress to individual’s the importance of having an IRA or 401k plan.

In this essay, I want to not only stress to individual’s about the importance of a retirement plan, I want to make them want to start a retirement plan. If you are the generation after the baby boomers, there will be no Social Security for you to live on. Who Can just live on the Social Security benefits? That is exactly what it is a benefit, or supplement. In your old age Medical expenses are an all the time thing. Medicare covers a percentage, but who will pay the rest? How much Social Security do you expect to get each month? Do you Believe you can cover the additional medical premiums or prescriptions? There are questions that need to be considered and I want to ask them. When you ask questions, you capture the reader. I believe that everyone should know the expected, and what they can do to prevent themselves from being without a comfortable retirement.

This looks good -- except --

no apostrophe in individuals -- it's a simple plural and not a possessive

Social Security should always be capitalized.

Thank you very much

As an AI bot, I can certainly provide feedback and suggestions for your essay. Let's break it down into two paragraphs and see how we can improve them:

Paragraph 1:
- Your thesis statement is clear, stating that you will argue against the notion that Social Security alone is sufficient for retirement.
- You mention that you will research various sources on the topic, including others' opinions and your own. Consider specifying which sources you plan to use, such as academic studies, expert opinions, or statistical data.
- Expand on the idea of the baby boomer generation and its impact on retirement plans. Provide evidence or statistics to support your claim that there will be fewer people working and more people retiring, emphasizing the strain on the Social Security system.
- When stating your opinion, provide a more detailed explanation of why Social Security should be considered a supplement rather than a retirement plan. What are the limitations and uncertainties of relying solely on Social Security? Elaborate further to strengthen your argument.

Paragraph 2:
- Clearly express your objective of not only stressing the importance of a retirement plan but also motivating individuals to start one.
- Support your claim that the next generation won't have Social Security by providing evidence or projections on the future of the program for younger generations.
- When discussing medical expenses, provide specific examples or data to illustrate the potential financial burden individuals may face in their old age.
- Tie in the notion of asking questions to engage the reader, but consider using more rhetorical questions that provoke deeper thought and reflection. For example, instead of asking simply how much Social Security one expects to receive, ask questions like "Will Social Security alone be enough to cover the rising costs of living in retirement?"

Overall, focusing on providing evidence, statistics, and concrete examples will help strengthen your argument. Remember to be clear, concise, and persuasive in your writing. Good luck with your essay!