if you kick a 5kg ball with one Newton it would push back on you with one Newton

is this true???

No, that statement is not true. When you kick a ball, the ball pushes back on you with a force, but the force exerted by the ball is not necessarily equal to the force you applied to it.

To understand this better, we need to consider Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. When you kick the ball, you apply a force to it, causing it to accelerate and move. According to Newton's third law, the ball also exerts an equal and opposite force on your foot.

However, the forces involved here are not determined solely by the masses of the objects involved. The force you apply to the ball when kicking depends on a number of factors, such as the speed and technique of your kick. Similarly, the force exerted by the ball on your foot depends on its speed and the hardness or elasticity of the ball's surface.

Therefore, the force with which the ball pushes back on you may not necessarily be equal to the force with which you kicked it. Additionally, the force exerted by the ball on you would also be spread out over the area of contact between the ball and your foot, resulting in a distributed force rather than a single point force.

So, while kicking a 5kg ball with a force of one Newton may cause the ball to push back on you, it is unlikely that the ball would push back with the exact same force.