how heavey is a marble (in grams)?please answer quick!!

To find out the weight of a marble in grams, you will need a weighing scale or balance. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start by ensuring that your weighing scale is properly calibrated or set to zero.
2. Place a small container or dish on the scale and press the "Tare" or "Zero" button to reset the reading to zero. This will subtract the weight of the container and provide an accurate measurement of just the marble.
3. Carefully place the marble onto the container without touching it.
4. Wait for a few seconds until the scale stabilizes and provides a reading.
5. Read the weight displayed on the scale, usually in grams.

Keep in mind that the weight of a marble can vary depending on its size and composition. On average, most marbles weigh between 1-10 grams.