1) How many major bones of the axial skeleton are there? I think 80

2) What are the accessory bones of the skull? I don't know

1) To find out how many major bones are in the axial skeleton, we can start by understanding what the axial skeleton is. The axial skeleton includes the bones that form the central axis of the body, including the skull, vertebral column, ribs, and sternum.

To find the number of major bones in the axial skeleton, we can refer to an anatomy textbook or use reliable online sources such as medical reference sites or educational websites. These sources will provide a list of the major axial bones and their specific number.

Upon researching, you will find that the axial skeleton consists of 80 major bones, which include 22 bones in the skull, 26 bones in the vertebral column (including the 24 individual vertebrae plus the sacrum and coccyx), and 12 pairs of ribs along with the sternum.

2) Accessory bones of the skull, also known as sutural or wormian bones, are extra bones that occasionally occur within the skull structure. They are not present in everyone, as they are considered anatomical variations. These small, irregularly shaped bones occur primarily in the sutures (fibrous joints) between the cranial bones.

The number and location of accessory bones can vary from person to person. They are most commonly found in the lambdoid suture (a joint in the back of the skull), followed by the sagittal suture (top of the skull) and the coronal suture (between the frontal and parietal bones).

To know the specific accessory bones of the skull, reference to an anatomy textbook, medical references, or educational websites is required. These sources will provide detailed information on the names and locations of the accessory bones in the skull.