Add fraction and mixed numbers and reduce to lowest term

9 2/3
3 2/5

Can someone explain how to solve?

Change to improper fractions, find common denominator and add.

29/3 + 17/5 + 3/4 = ?

60 looks like the smallest common denominator.

580/60 + 204/60 + 45/60 = ?

To add fractions and mixed numbers and reduce the sum to the lowest terms, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions.
To convert a mixed number to an improper fraction, multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction, then add the numerator. Place the result over the original denominator.

9 2/3 = (9 * 3 + 2)/3 = 29/3
3 2/5 = (3 * 5 + 2)/5 = 17/5

Step 2: Add the fractions.
To add fractions, find a common denominator (the least common multiple of the denominators), then add the numerators together. Keep the resulting fraction's denominator the same.

In this case, we can use 3 * 5 = 15 as the common denominator.

29/3 + 17/5 = (29 * 5 + 17 * 3)/15 = 145/3 + 51/3 = 196/15

Step 3: Reduce the resulting fraction to the lowest terms.
To reduce a fraction to the lowest term, find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator, then divide both by the GCD.

In this case, the GCD of 196 and 15 is 1.

196/15 ÷ 1/1 = (196 ÷ 1) / (15 ÷ 1) = 196/15

Therefore, the sum of 9 2/3, 3 2/5, and 3/4, reduced to the lowest term, is 196/15.