Copper wires are a great example of the fact that metals are very?

good conductors

conducting of electricity. Copper is a type of metal that is commonly used for electrical wiring due to its excellent conductivity. When an electric current flows through a copper wire, the delocalized electrons within the metal are able to move freely and carry the charge from one point to another. This property is known as electrical conductivity. Metals, in general, are good conductors of electricity due to their metallic bonding, which allows the movement of electrons throughout the material.

If you want to know more about the conductive properties of metals, you can further explore the science of electricity and learn about the bonding between atoms in metals. Additionally, you may want to investigate the different types of conductors, such as other metals or materials, and compare their conductivity with that of copper. Conductivity is an important characteristic to consider when choosing materials for electrical applications.