At football practice, players do a 20-minute warm-up before starting their practice drills. After the practice drills, they do a 10-minute cool-down. The expression 20+d+10 describes the length of practice, where d is the number of minutes the practice drills last. How long, in minutes, does practice last if 30 minutes are spent on practice drills.

To find the length of practice, we need to add the time spent on warm-up, practice drills, and cool-down.

Warm-up time = 20 minutes
Cool-down time = 10 minutes
Practice drills time (d) = 30 minutes

To find the total length of practice, we can substitute the values into the expression 20 + d + 10:

Total practice time = 20 + 30 + 10
Total practice time = 60 minutes

Therefore, the practice will last for 60 minutes.

To find out how long the entire practice lasts, we need to add the warm-up time, practice drill time, and cool-down time.

Given that the warm-up time is 20 minutes, the practice drill time is d minutes (in this case, 30 minutes), and the cool-down time is 10 minutes, we can substitute these values into the expression 20 + d + 10.

Therefore, to calculate the total length of practice, simply add 20, d, and 10 together.

Let's compute the value:

20 + d + 10 = 20 + 30 + 10 = 60

So, the practice will last for 60 minutes.