What does 'Without your two great political parties cutting across economic and geographic interests democracy as you know it could never have been made to function' mean

Are these your choices?

a) an important feature of the us political system is the broadly based appeal of the two political parties
b) each polotical party appeals toa different social class
c) only a two party system can function in a democrazy
d) political parties in the united states tend to represent sectional interest
e) there is no significant difference between the democratic and republican parties

What do you think the best answer is?


The phrase "Without your two great political parties cutting across economic and geographic interests, democracy as you know it could never have been made to function" implies that political parties play a crucial role in making democracy work effectively. This statement suggests that in order for democracy to function properly, there needs to be a presence of political parties that represent a range of economic and geographic perspectives.

To understand the meaning, it is important to analyze the main points:

1. Two Great Political Parties: The statement refers to the presence of two major political parties. In many democratic countries, there is a system where two dominant parties compete for power and represent different ideologies.

2. Cutting Across Economic and Geographic Interests: The phrase suggests that these political parties encompass a broad range of perspectives, representing various economic and geographic interests. This means that political parties are not limited to one specific group or region, but instead bridge different segments of society.

3. Democracy as You Know It: This phrase emphasizes that the functioning of democracy, as it is understood by the speaker or the context, relies on the presence of these political parties with diverse representation.

Overall, the meaning is that political parties are vital for making democracy work effectively because they bring together diverse perspectives and ensure that different economic and geographic interests are represented. Without such parties, it would be difficult for democracy to function as it currently does.