15. _____ le duelen mucho las piernas.

a. Ernesto
b. A los muchachos
c. A Pablo
d. El joven

16. "¿Qué pasa? ¿Te duele algo?"

"Sí, todo el ______."
a. cuerpo
b. dolor
c. hombre
d. ejercicio

18. "¿Cómo te sientes hoy?"

"Hoy me siento ____ y pienso ir a la clinica a las dos."
a. peor
b. mejor
c. bien
d. menor
Not sure because somehow everything but D seems to fit..

19. "¿Es mejor vivir en el campo o en la ciudad?"
"Pues, ______ es mejor vivir en el campo."
a. creo
b. creo que
c. me siento
d. me lastimé

20."Doctor Perez, me duele mucho la pierna. Ay!"
"Miguel, ¿te duele _____?"
a. la derecha o la izquierda
b. el derecho o el izquierda
c. la morada o la rosada
d. la quinta o la septima


15. the verb "doler" works like "gustar" in that ONE thing IS hurting TO someone or several things ARE hurting. Therefore, the answer has to be: c. (they are hurting TO Paul)

16. yes

18. "worse, better, well, less or younger. Definitely not your choice. The answer is a. worse and that's why he's going to the Clinic later.

19. yes

20. PLEASE look at the gender of LA PIERNA. It is feminine, singular so the choice has to be a = the right (leg) or the left (leg)


P.S. I'd like you to chant the following "mantra" if you will.



To find the correct answer, let's analyze the given statement:

"_____ le duelen mucho las piernas."

In this sentence, we see the pronoun "le" which tells us that someone's legs are hurting.

The possible options are:
a. Ernesto
b. A los muchachos
c. A Pablo
d. El joven

To determine the correct answer, we need to identify the subject of the sentence that matches the pronoun "le."

If we analyze option a, "Ernesto," it does not match the pronoun "le" because Ernesto is a proper name, not a pronoun. Therefore, option a is not the correct answer.

Option b, "A los muchachos," does not match the pronoun "le." "Los muchachos" means "the boys" and "le" indicates a singular pronoun. So, option b is not the correct answer.

Option c, "A Pablo," matches the pronoun "le" and is a singular subject. Therefore, option c could be the correct answer.

Option d, "El joven," also matches the pronoun "le" and is a singular subject, so option d could also be the correct answer.

Based on this analysis, either options c or d could be the correct answer. Without additional context, we cannot determine which one is correct. So, the answer is either c or d.