Can someone please check my answers??

1. A period of global cooling from the fourteenth to the nineteenth century is historically referred to as
A. nominal cyclical cooling.
B. the Little Ice Age.
C. the Celsius effect.
D. the Fahrenheit effect.

2. The economic security of the Inca Empire was based on
A. extensive trade with the Aztec Empire.
B. ruthless massacres of enemy peoples.
C. environmental diversity.
D. intensive maize farming.

3. The most important outcome of the Mongol peace was the
A. spread of Western ideas to the East.
B. establishment of a stable, coherent government across Eurasia.
C. transfer of goods and technology from the East to the West.
D. spread of Islam.

4. In China, the rise of the idea of a new Buddha who would inaugurate a golden age and give power to his followers led to
A. the rise of the Yuan dynasty.
B. a revolution in religious belief.
C. the rise of the Ming dynasty.
D. a resurgence in the power of Confucian elites.

5. One of the benefits that the Mongols brought to Russian lands was
A. defense against German adventurers.
B. lower taxes.
C. new farming technologies.
D. the introduction of paper currency.

6. A group of northern European port cities organized themselves into what came to be called the
A. Hanseatic League.
B. Commercial League of North Europe.
C. League of Lubeck.
D. Knights Templar.

7. How did powerful families of Japan like the Fujiwara legitimate their power at court?
A. Through the support of Buddhist monks
B. By gaining more wealth than others
C. By marrying their daughters into the imperial family
D. Through military victories over enemies like the Taira

8. Which of the following practices did the Ottomans use to strengthen their state?
A. Gifts were given to those who converted to Islam.
B. The practice of religions other than Islam was forbidden.
C. Missionaries were sent to remote areas to generate wealth.
D. Christian children were enslaved and trained as mercenaries.

9. The great Muslim historian Ibn Khaldun saw history as a struggle between
A. rich and poor.
B. different religious groups.
C. nomads and settled peoples.
D. merchants and farmers.

10. The Delhi Sultanate ruler Radiyya first took power chiefly because
A. she killed her brother.
B. she proved herself in battle.
C. her father chose her as his successor.
D. she wore men's clothes.

a, c, d, b, c, d, a, c, c, b

1 a,

2 c,
3 d,
4 b,
5 c,
6 d,
7 a,
8 c,
9 c,
10 b


Your answers are wrong for 7 of the 10! I don't know the answers to 4, 7, and 9.

If you want to earn Penn-Foster credits, I suggest you read your text. If not, you've wasted your money!

a, c, d, b, c, d, a, c, c, b

To check your answers:

1. A period of global cooling from the fourteenth to the nineteenth century is historically referred to as
- The correct answer is B. the Little Ice Age.
- To find the answer, you would need to have knowledge of historical events and periods. Researching or studying about the Little Ice Age would give you the correct answer.

2. The economic security of the Inca Empire was based on
- The correct answer is D. intensive maize farming.
- To find the answer, you would need to have knowledge of the Inca Empire and their economic practices. Researching or studying about the economic system of the Inca Empire would give you the correct answer.

3. The most important outcome of the Mongol peace was the
- The correct answer is B. establishment of a stable, coherent government across Eurasia.
- To find the answer, you would need to understand the historical impact of the Mongol peace. Researching or studying about the Mongol Empire and its effects on governance and stability would give you the correct answer.

4. In China, the rise of the idea of a new Buddha who would inaugurate a golden age and give power to his followers led to
- The correct answer is B. a revolution in religious belief.
- To find the answer, you would need to have knowledge of the religious and cultural changes in China during that period. Researching or studying about religious beliefs and movements in China would give you the correct answer.

5. One of the benefits that the Mongols brought to Russian lands was
- The correct answer is B. lower taxes.
- To find the answer, you would need to understand the impact of Mongol rule on Russia. Researching or studying about the Mongol rule in Russia and its effects on taxation would give you the correct answer.

6. A group of northern European port cities organized themselves into what came to be called the
- The correct answer is A. Hanseatic League.
- To find the answer, you would need to have knowledge of historical regional alliances and organizations. Researching or studying about trade alliances in northern Europe would give you the correct answer.

7. How did powerful families of Japan like the Fujiwara legitimate their power at court?
- The correct answer is C. By marrying their daughters into the imperial family.
- To find the answer, you would need to understand the political strategies of powerful families in Japan. Researching or studying about the Fujiwara family and their influence in court politics would give you the correct answer.

8. Which of the following practices did the Ottomans use to strengthen their state?
- The correct answer is D. Christian children were enslaved and trained as mercenaries.
- To find the answer, you would need to understand the strategies and tactics used by the Ottomans to strengthen their state. Researching or studying about Ottoman military practices and policies would give you the correct answer.

9. The great Muslim historian Ibn Khaldun saw history as a struggle between
- The correct answer is C. nomads and settled peoples.
- To find the answer, you would need to study the perspectives and theories of Ibn Khaldun. Researching or studying his works on history and society would give you the correct answer.

10. The Delhi Sultanate ruler Radiyya first took power chiefly because
- The correct answer is A. she killed her brother.
- To find the answer, you would need to understand the historical events and power struggles during the Delhi Sultanate period. Researching or studying about the rise of Radiyya and her actions would give you the correct answer.