Hi again...


5x6=30 +5=35x4=140-6=134
is this how it is supposed to be done???
Is this the correct method? Did I get the correct answer?

look at my new post bleow i explaned there i see were i told u wrong my bad



I couldn't tell what you were trying to do, so I just solved it on my own. Is this sort of what you were going for?

Are there other parentheses? First combine within the parentheses, as you did with the first one. However, without other parentheses for example, it is impossible to tell if the 5x4 should be mulitplied before subtracting 6 or 5 should be multiplied after subtracting the 6 and getting -2.

In other words, without more information, I am not sure what you should do either.

I hope this helps. If not, repost with more information. Thanks for asking.

That worked fine Emily because of the distributive property when you multiply:

5 (9 - 3) = 5*9 - 5*3
= 45 - 13
= 30
BUT order of operations really says do the inside parens first:
5 (9 - 3) = 5 (6)
= 30

Oh yeah (oops!), so I figured the phrase Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally (parentheses, exponents, multiplication and division, and then addition and subtraction) the multiplication/division/addition/subtraction is done from right to left. I hope this solves the problem, PsyDAG.

To calculate the expression 5(9-3)+5x4-6, you need to follow the correct order of operations, which is commonly known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, and Addition and Subtraction from left to right).

Let's break down the steps to solve the expression:

1. Start with the innermost parentheses: 9-3 = 6.
2. Substitute the result back into the expression: 5(6) + 5x4 - 6.
3. Multiply within parentheses: 5(6) = 30.
4. Now, you have: 30 + 5x4 - 6.
5. Next, perform the multiplication: 5x4 = 20.
6. The expression becomes: 30 + 20 - 6.
7. Finally, perform the remaining addition and subtraction: 30 + 20 - 6 = 50 - 6 = 44.

Therefore, the correct answer to the expression 5(9-3)+5x4-6 is 44, not 134.

The mistake in your calculation seems to be the order of operations. You conducted the multiplication before dealing with the innermost parentheses and didn't follow the correct sequence of operations.