I need to translate to an algebraic expression. 3/10 decreased by the product of 7 and the difference of A and 4

3/10 - [7(A-4)]

The product of 6 and 7 decreased by 10

To translate the given phrase into an algebraic expression, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the variables:
- Let A represent the variable.

Step 2: Identify the operations and their corresponding symbols:
- "Decreased by" usually refers to subtraction (-).
- "Product of" usually refers to multiplication (×).

Step 3: Translate the given words into the appropriate mathematical symbols:
- "3/10 decreased by" can be written as -3/10.
- "Product of 7 and the difference of A and 4" can be expressed as 7 × (A - 4).

Step 4: Combine the translated words and simplify if needed:
The algebraic expression for "3/10 decreased by the product of 7 and the difference of A and 4" is:
-3/10 - (7 × (A - 4))

That's it! The algebraic expression to represent the given phrase is -3/10 - (7 × (A - 4)).