i really nedd to know what i'm suppose to write in macbeth's theme superstition?

i know that it's about the witches and their prophecies and apparitions and about banquo's ghost but what should i emphasize on??

thanks but i've opened it already so if you have any other websites i would appreciate it

This is probably the best place to find information about any of Shakespeare's plays:


Find Macbeth and then find the link to Themes, Symbolism, etc. Read carefully.

And here's the best website I've found to help students read and understand Shakespeare's plays:
Click on the title of the play you want, then click on the act and scene. You'll find original Shakespearean language on the left and a modern-day "translation" on the right.

Here are several other really good websites about Shakespeare and his works and his times. Be sure to add ALL THESE to your favorites so you can find them again.





When writing about the theme of superstition in Macbeth, there are a few key aspects you can emphasize on:

1. The supernatural elements: Macbeth is infused with superstition through the presence of witches and their prophecies. Focus on how the witches' predictions influence Macbeth's actions and contribute to his downfall. Explore their role as harbinger of doom and their ability to manipulate Macbeth's beliefs and decisions.

2. The power of prophecy: Discuss how superstition interacts with the concept of destiny and free will. Macbeth's belief in the witches' prophecies drives him to commit heinous acts in order to fulfill their predictions. Consider how his actions become self-fulfilling prophecies and the implications of his belief in fate.

3. Fear and the supernatural: Highlight the fear that superstitious beliefs provoke in the characters. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth experience profound anxiety, guilt, and paranoia as a result of their involvement with the supernatural. Analyze how their superstitious thoughts and actions shape their mental state and lead to their downfall.

4. Appearance vs. reality: Consider the theme of illusion and how superstition blurs the line between reality and falsehood in Macbeth. Explore how the witches' prophecies and apparitions contribute to the deceptive nature of the play and how characters struggle to differentiate between what is genuine and what is merely an illusion.

To develop your analysis, it is recommended to closely read the play, take notes on scenes that highlight superstition, identify relevant quotes, and explore the characters' motivations. Additionally, referring to critical interpretations and scholarly articles can provide additional insights into the theme of superstition in Macbeth.