How many moles of Fe3O4 are produced from 4.1 moles of Fe ?

4.1 moles Fe x (molar mass Fe3O4/molar mass 3Fe) = ??

To determine the number of moles of Fe3O4 produced from 4.1 moles of Fe, we need to utilize the balanced chemical equation for the reaction.

The balanced equation for the reaction between Fe and Fe3O4 is:

3Fe + 4Fe3O4 -> 11FeO

From this equation, we can determine that for every 4 moles of Fe3O4 produced, we need 3 moles of Fe.

To find the number of moles of Fe3O4 produced from 4.1 moles of Fe, we can set up a proportion:

3 moles of Fe / 4 moles of Fe3O4 = 4.1 moles of Fe / x moles of Fe3O4

Cross-multiplying gives us:

3 * x = 4 * 4.1

Simplifying the equation:

3x = 16.4

Dividing both sides by 3:

x = 16.4 / 3

Solving the equation gives us:

x ≈ 5.47 moles of Fe3O4

Therefore, approximately 5.47 moles of Fe3O4 are produced from 4.1 moles of Fe.