Can you fix this sentence? "When the movie Star Wars premiered in 1977, it was both surprising and a revolution in its special effects."

"When the movie Star Wars premiered in 1977, its special effects were both surprising and a revolution.


"When the movie Star Wars premiered in 1977, it was both surprising and a revolution in its special effects."

I've underlined the part that needs fixing. Sra's revision just needs one little tweak -- you need to find an adjective form of "revolution" to go with the adjective "surprising" -- in other words, you need to adjectives, not an adjective and a noun, in order to make this sentence have parallel construction.

thats wrong

Sure! Here is the revised sentence: "When Star Wars premiered in 1977, it was not only surprising but also revolutionized the film industry with its groundbreaking special effects."

To fix this sentence, we can simplify it by removing the word "movie" since Star Wars is commonly known as a film. Additionally, we can rephrase the phrase "both surprising and a revolution" to "not only surprising but also revolutionized" to make it more concise and effective.