Hi I need some help with my history homework I have answer all of the question I just need help with a few about the Sumerian civilization. I just want to get some idea so that I can research these topics better.

1.Type of Governmen- I just some general info here

2.Economic Life- I just want to know what kind of economy did they have was it advanced and other things?

I don't need the full answer I just need help understanding these topics like keywords i can use to answer them also instead of an answer any sites I can use






Of course! I can help you understand these topics and provide you with some keywords and resources to assist you in your research.

1. Type of Government:
The Sumerian civilization, which existed between the 4th and 3rd millennium BCE, is often considered one of the earliest civilizations in human history. The government in Sumer was generally characterized as a city-state system. Each city in Sumer had its own ruler, known as a "lugal" or "ensi," who governed the city and the surrounding agricultural lands. They held religious, legislative, and executive powers. Some significant keywords to use in your research include city-state, lugal, and ensi.

For research, you can check out reliable online resources like:

- Ancient History Encyclopedia: https://www.ancient.eu/Sumer/
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art: https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/sumr/hd_sumr.htm
- British Museum: https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/galleries/ancient-south-west-asia/mesopotamia

2. Economic Life:
The Sumerians had a complex and well-developed economy for their time period. Some important aspects to explore include their agricultural practices, trade networks, use of clay tablets as a form of accounting, and the development of a market-based economy.

Key terms to consider for your research include:

- Agriculture in Sumer
- Trade in Sumer
- Sumerian Accounting
- Sumerian Market System

For further resources, you can refer to:

- "The Sumerians: Their History, Culture, and Character" by Samuel Noah Kramer (a well-regarded book on Sumerian civilization)
- Online resources like "Sumer" in Ancient History Encyclopedia: https://www.ancient.eu/Sumer/

Remember, these resources are a starting point for your research. You can use these keywords and websites to find more detailed information that will help you answer your homework questions satisfactorily.