What are the major criticisms of Freud's theory of personality by Alfred Adler and Carl Jung?

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Alfred Adler and Carl Jung, two prominent theorists, had differing views and criticisms of Sigmund Freud's theory of personality. Let's explore their major criticisms:

1. Adler's Criticisms:
Alfred Adler, the founder of individual psychology, disagreed with Freud on several key points. Adler believed that Freud's emphasis on sexual and unconscious drives was too narrow and incomplete. Adler argued that social factors, such as the striving for superiority, were equally important in shaping personality.

To find Adler's criticisms, you can refer to his works such as "Understanding Human Nature" or "The Neurotic Constitution." These texts delve into Adler's theories and criticisms of Freudian psychoanalysis.

2. Jung's Criticisms:
Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology, had a more complex relationship with Freud. Initially, Jung greatly admired Freud but eventually developed his own theories, resulting in a parting of ways between the two.

Jung's main criticism of Freud's theory was the excessive focus on sexuality and the limited view of the unconscious. Jung believed that the unconscious mind was not solely driven by repressed sexual urges, but also contained a collective unconscious that included archetypes or universal symbolic representations.

To explore Jung's criticisms in detail, you can study his works such as "Psychological Types" or "The Collected Works of C.G. Jung." These texts outline Jung's theories and his differences with Freud.

In summary, Alfred Adler and Carl Jung criticized Freud's theory of personality for its narrow focus on sexuality and unconscious drives. Adler emphasized social factors, whereas Jung emphasized the collective unconscious and archetypes. To understand their criticisms more thoroughly, referring to their respective works is recommended.