a 26 foot tree cast a shadow of 14 feet, a nearby tower cast a shadow of 21 feet, how tall is the tower?

You can solve this with a proportion.

26/14 = x/21

Cross multiply and solve for x.

T/21 = 16/14

cross-multiply and it becomes easy to solve

To find the height of the tower, you can use a proportion based on the lengths of the shadows.

Let's assume the height of the tower is represented by "x."

The proportion can be set up as follows:

26 feet (height of the tree) : 14 feet (length of the tree's shadow) = x (height of the tower) : 21 feet (length of the tower's shadow)

To find the value of "x," we cross-multiply and solve for it.

26 * 21 = 14 * x

546 = 14x

To isolate "x," divide both sides of the equation by 14:

546/14 = x

x ≈ 39

Therefore, the height of the tower is approximately 39 feet.