Our take out dinner was $74.95 but we got 20% off because we picked it up. What did our

meal end up costing us? i need to show steps on how to solve this

74.95 * 0.2 = 14.99

74.95 - 14.99 = ?


To find the final cost after a discount, you can multiply the original price by the percentage of the discount and subtract that amount from the original price. Here are the steps:

1. Convert the discount percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100. In this case, 20% can be written as 0.20.

2. Multiply the original price by the decimal equivalent of the discount. In this case, 0.20 multiplied by $74.95 would give you $14.99.

3. Subtract the discount amount from the original price. In this case, $74.95 - $14.99 equals $59.96.

Therefore, your meal ended up costing you $59.96 after the 20% discount was applied.