a face by marianne moore

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"A face" is a poem written by Marianne Moore, an American modernist poet. It was first published in 1915 as part of Moore's first collection of poems, called "Poems." The poem explores the complexity and enigmatic nature of a human face.

Unfortunately, I cannot provide the full text of the poem as it would violate copyright laws. However, you can easily access the poem "a face" by Marianne Moore through various resources:

1. Public Library: Visit your local public library and search for Marianne Moore's poetry collection, "Poems." You can borrow the book and read the poem "a face" within it.

2. Online Poetry Databases: Numerous online poetry databases provide access to Marianne Moore's works. Websites like poemhunter.com or poetryfoundation.org have extensive collections of her poems. Simply search for "a face by Marianne Moore," and you should be able to find the poem.

3. Anthologies and Literature Textbooks: Many literature textbooks and poetry anthologies include Marianne Moore's work. Check your school or university library or online resources for such anthologies that feature her poems.

Remember, by exploring these resources, you can gain a deeper understanding of Marianne Moore's poetic style and the meanings behind "a face."