Hi, I need help with this question:

When evaluating an author's success in accomplishing his purpose, ask yourself _____.
a) if you agree with his point of view
b)if he is using denotative or connotative meanings
c)if he has clearly explained and supported the subject
It's either A or C. I'm leaning towards C but I'm still unsure.

The author can accomplish her purpose of educating the readers, even if they don't all agree with her.

The best answer is C.

Wow, you're quick. Thanks a bunch, I appreciate it. Awesome website.

You're welcome. And thanks for the compliment. :-)

To evaluate an author's success in accomplishing his purpose, you need to ask yourself if he has clearly explained and supported the subject (option c). Evaluating an author's success is not determined by whether you agree with his point of view (option a), as it is more about assessing the effectiveness of the author's communication rather than personal agreement. However, option b, "if he is using denotative or connotative meanings," is not directly relevant to evaluating an author's success in accomplishing his purpose. Analyzing the author's use of language and its implications can be considered as a different aspect of studying the text, but it may not be the main focus when assessing overall success in accomplishing the author's purpose. Therefore, the correct answer is option c, "if he has clearly explained and supported the subject."