In cell D21, type the formula to calculate the % change from

January to February. That formula is: =(J18-E18)/ABS(E18).
Format the result in the Percentage style and decrease the
decimal places if necessary to round the result to the nearest
whole percent


What is wrong with the Round function?


im still confused what would abs be?

To calculate the percent change from January to February in cell D21, follow these steps:

1. Subtract the value of January (J18) from the value of February (E18).
= (E18 - J18)

2. Divide the result from step 1 by the absolute value of January (E18).
= (E18 - J18) / ABS(J18)

For example, if the values in January (J18) and February (E18) are 521.07 and 569.46, respectively, the formula will be:
= (569.46 - 521.07) / ABS(521.07)

3. Format the result in the percentage style and decrease the decimal places if necessary to round the result to the nearest whole percent.

Once you have typed the formula in cell D21, you can format the cell as follows:

- Select cell D21.
- Right-click and choose "Format Cells" from the context menu.
- In the "Format Cells" dialog box, select the "Percentage" category.
- Adjust the decimal places as needed to round the result to the nearest whole percent.
- Click "OK" to apply the formatting.

Following these steps will help you perform the required calculation and format the cell with the result in the desired format.