What must I do to be a best leaner in English

You need to practice your English as much as possible. Try going for several hours or even a day without speaking your native language. Speak only English.

Also, read as much English as you can.

If you have specific questions, please post them here. We'll be glad to help you become a "best learner in English."

Here are some really good websites for people who are learning English:

Explore all sections.

Again, explore everything.

A listen lab is wonderful for people who need to practice on their listening and speaking skills.

Idioms in any language are the hardest things to learn in vocabulary. This site will help with that.


.........told the boy to go home.

To become a better learner in English, there are several steps you can take:

1. Set clear goals: Define what specific language skills you want to improve, whether it's pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, or listening comprehension. Having clear objectives will help you stay focused and motivated.

2. Build a study routine: Consistency is key when learning a language. Allocate regular time for studying English, and create a study plan that includes different activities like reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

3. Immerse yourself in the language: Surround yourself with English as much as possible. Watch English movies or TV shows, listen to English podcasts or music, and try to use English in your daily life, even for simple tasks like labeling objects in your home.

4. Practice speaking: Find opportunities to practice speaking English, such as joining conversation clubs, finding language exchange partners, or taking online speaking courses. Speaking regularly will help you gain confidence and improve your fluency.

5. Read extensively: Read a variety of materials in English, such as books, newspapers, and online articles. Look up unfamiliar words and try to understand the context. Reading will expand your vocabulary and expose you to different sentence structures.

6. Use technology and resources: Utilize language learning apps, online courses, and websites specifically designed to assist English learners. These resources often provide interactive exercises, grammar explanations, and vocabulary drills to help you improve your skills.

7. Seek feedback: Find someone experienced in English, like a teacher or native speaker, who can provide feedback on your progress. This feedback will help you identify areas for improvement and correct any mistakes you might be making.

8. Practice listening: Listen to a wide range of English audio materials, such as podcasts, news broadcasts, and movies. Pay attention to intonation, pronunciation, and overall comprehension. You can also try shadowing, which involves repeating or imitating what you hear to improve your pronunciation and rhythm.

9. Be patient and persistent: Learning a language takes time and effort. Don't get discouraged by mistakes or setbacks. Stay committed and believe in your ability to improve.

Remember, becoming a great learner in English requires consistent practice, exposure, and a positive mindset. Keep learning and enjoy the journey!