a steamer goes downstream in a river and covers the distance between upstream in 6 hours if the speed of the stream is 3 km/hr. firnd the speed of the steamer in still water.

Not enough data

To find the speed of the steamer in still water, we can use the formula:

Speed of steamer in still water = (Speed downstream + Speed upstream) / 2

In this case, the speed downstream is the speed of the steamer with the stream, and the speed upstream is the speed of the steamer against the stream.

Given that the speed of the stream is 3 km/hr, we need to calculate the speed downstream and speed upstream.

Let's assume the speed of the steamer in still water is S km/hr.

Speed downstream = (S + 3) km/hr
Speed upstream = (S - 3) km/hr

Since the distance traveled downstream is equal to the distance traveled upstream, we can write:

Distance downstream = Distance upstream

Now, let's calculate the distances:

Distance downstream = Speed downstream x Time taken
Distance downstream = (S + 3) x 6

Distance upstream = Speed upstream x Time taken
Distance upstream = (S - 3) x 6

Since the distances are equal, we can equate them:

(S + 3) x 6 = (S - 3) x 6

Now, let's solve this equation:

6S + 18 = 6S - 18
18 = -18

From this equation, we can see that the equation is inconsistent, which means there is no possible solution.

Therefore, there is no speed that satisfies the given conditions.