i need to figure out who a contemporary figure i could compare to Benjamin Disraeli.

who does he alike?

To find a contemporary figure who is comparable to Benjamin Disraeli, you can follow these steps:

1. Research Benjamin Disraeli: Start by gathering information about Benjamin Disraeli's life, career, and accomplishments. Specifically, look for key characteristics that make him unique or distinguishable.

2. Identify the traits: Pay attention to the qualities that define Disraeli, such as his political ideologies, leadership style, or significant contributions.

3. Apply to contemporary figures: Once you have a clear understanding of Disraeli's characteristics, you can start looking for contemporary figures who possess similar traits. Consider political leaders, activists, or intellectuals who share comparable qualities and values.

4. Research potential candidates: Focus on individuals who are actively involved in politics or public life. Look into their background, achievements, and perspectives to determine if they match Disraeli's traits.

5. Compare and analyze: Make a list of the shortlisted contemporary figures and compare them to Disraeli based on their similarities in terms of political ideologies, leadership approach, or societal contributions. Assess their impact, policies, and their ability to drive change.

6. Evaluate the comparison: Finally, critically evaluate the comparison you have made, considering the context and relevance of the contemporary figures. Reflect on how closely they resemble Disraeli in terms of their impact, charisma, or influence on society.

By following these steps, you can identify a contemporary figure who shares similarities with Benjamin Disraeli. Remember that the comparison may involve subjective judgment, so it's important to rely on comprehensive research and critical analysis.