1/2m - 7= -4

Does m= 1.5?

is it m/2? The answer is not correct then.

is it 1/(2m)? The answer is then not correct either.


Multiply both sides by 2

To determine if m = 1.5 is a solution to the equation 1/2m - 7 = -4, we can substitute m = 1.5 into the equation and check if the equation holds true.

Substituting m = 1.5 into the equation, we have:

1/2(1.5) - 7 = -4

Now, let's simplify the left side of the equation:

(1/2)(1.5) - 7 = -4
(1/2)(3/2) - 7 = -4
3/4 - 7 = -4

To subtract fractions, the denominators must be the same. Since 4 can be written as 1/4, let's convert 7 to have the same denominator:

3/4 - 28/4 = -4
-25/4 = -4

The fractions are not equal. Therefore, m = 1.5 is not a solution to the equation.

To conclude, m does not equal 1.5.