I need to write an equation that takes place at a temp of 400 K and with a catalyst of iron to make ammonia gas from gaseous nitrogen and hydrogen

To write the balanced equation for the synthesis of ammonia gas (NH3) by reacting gaseous nitrogen (N2) and hydrogen (H2) at a temperature of 400 K with an iron catalyst, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the correct stoichiometric coefficients.
In the balanced equation, the coefficients represent the number of moles of each reactant and product involved. Since nitrogen and hydrogen are reactants, and ammonia is the product, we'll assign them as follows:

N2 + H2 → NH3

Step 2: Balance the atoms.
To balance the equation, you need to make sure that the same number of each atom appears on both sides of the equation. Here's how to balance it:

Starting with nitrogen (N), there are two nitrogen atoms on the left (in N2), and only one on the right (in NH3). To balance it, put a coefficient of 2 in front of NH3:

N2 + H2 → 2 NH3

Next, consider hydrogen (H). On the left, there are two hydrogen atoms (in H2). However, on the right, there are only six hydrogen atoms (in 2 NH3). To balance the hydrogen atoms, put a coefficient of 3 in front of H2:

N2 + 3 H2 → 2 NH3

Step 3: Add the necessary conditions and catalyst.
Finally, to include the given conditions of a temperature of 400 K and an iron catalyst, you can write them above or below the arrow in the equation:

N2 + 3 H2 (catalyst: iron, 400 K) → 2 NH3

This balanced equation shows that when nitrogen and hydrogen react in the presence of an iron catalyst at 400 K, two moles of ammonia gas are produced.