The length and width of the field as a ratio of 11:7. The width is 20 meters less than the length.

How many m2 is the area?

L = 11x

W = 7x

W = L - 20

Substitute 11x and 7x for L and W:
7x = 11x - 20

Solve for x and plug in the following to solve for length and width.

L = 11x
W = 7x

Area = L*W

To find the area of the field, we need to determine the specific values for the length and width. Let's start by assigning variables to the given information.

Let L represent the length of the field.
Let W represent the width of the field.

According to the given information, the width is 20 meters less than the length, which can be written as:

W = L - 20

Also, the length and width are in a ratio of 11:7, which means that:

L/W = 11/7

From here, we can solve this system of equations to find the values of L and W.

First, let's use the ratio to express one variable in terms of the other. We can cross multiply and simplify:

7L = 11W

Now, we can substitute W in terms of L (from the earlier equation) into this equation:

7L = 11(L - 20)

Expand and simplify:

7L = 11L - 220

Subtract 11L from both sides:

7L - 11L = -220

-4L = -220

Finally, divide both sides by -4 to solve for L:

L = (-220)/(-4)
L = 55 meters

Now, substitute the value of L into the equation for W:

W = L - 20
W = 55 - 20
W = 35 meters

So, the length of the field is 55 meters and the width is 35 meters.

To find the area, we can multiply the length by the width:

Area = L * W
Area = 55 meters * 35 meters
Area = 1925 square meters

Therefore, the area of the field is 1925 square meters.