I need a realational database containing information about music performers, their recordings, and the composers of the music they recorded (no redundancies).

Elements should include:
database file contains at least 3 tables
relationships between the tables are shown
each table contains 3 or more attributes
each table contains at least 3 records

I never could make Access make sense to me, so my best suggestion is that you use one of the tutorials here:


To create a relational database containing information about music performers, their recordings, and the composers of the music they recorded, you can use a database management system (DBMS) like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Microsoft SQL Server.

Here's an example of how you can design the database with the required elements:

1. Table: Performers
- Attributes: performer_id (unique identifier), performer_name, performer_genre
- Records:
- performer_id: 1, performer_name: "John Smith", performer_genre: "Pop"
- performer_id: 2, performer_name: "Mary Johnson", performer_genre: "Rock"
- performer_id: 3, performer_name: "Michael Brown", performer_genre: "Country"

2. Table: Recordings
- Attributes: recording_id (unique identifier), recording_title, performer_id (foreign key to Performers table)
- Records:
- recording_id: 1, recording_title: "Song A", performer_id: 1
- recording_id: 2, recording_title: "Song B", performer_id: 2
- recording_id: 3, recording_title: "Song C", performer_id: 3

3. Table: Composers
- Attributes: composer_id (unique identifier), composer_name, composer_genre
- Records:
- composer_id: 1, composer_name: "David Johnson", composer_genre: "Pop"
- composer_id: 2, composer_name: "Emily Davis", composer_genre: "Rock"
- composer_id: 3, composer_name: "Jason Thompson", composer_genre: "Country"

To show the relationships between these tables, you can use foreign keys. In the Recordings table, the performer_id attribute is a foreign key that references the performer_id attribute in the Performers table. Similarly, if you want to associate composers with the recordings, you can create another table called Recording_Composer that has two foreign keys: recording_id (referencing Recording table) and composer_id (referencing Composers table).

Remember, this is just a basic example, and in a real-world scenario, you may have additional attributes and more complex relationships based on your specific requirements.