What is the climate?

Darwin, Australia has its coolest month in July, with an average temperature of 77 degrees F. It has a dry season from May to October. The grassy areas nearby are home to cattle ranches.

a) Not tropical
b) Tropical rainforest
c) Tropical monsoon
d) Tropical savanna

It is hot and grassy = tropical savanna


To determine the climate of a place, you need to consider factors such as temperature, precipitation, and vegetation. In this case, Darwin, Australia experiences its coolest month in July with an average temperature of 77 degrees F. It also has a dry season from May to October. The grassy areas nearby are home to cattle ranches.

Based on this information, we can rule out option a) "Not tropical" since Darwin does experience warm temperatures.

Option b) "Tropical rainforest" refers to areas characterized by high temperatures and heavy rainfall throughout the year. Since Darwin has a distinct dry season, it does not fit this climate category.

Option c) "Tropical monsoon" is characterized by distinct wet and dry seasons. Darwin does have a dry season from May to October, making this option a possibility.

Option d) "Tropical savanna" is also characterized by distinct wet and dry seasons, with a longer dry season compared to the monsoon climate category. Since Darwin's dry season extends from May to October, it fits this description.

Therefore, the answer is d) Tropical savanna.