60 is what percent of 150?

Choose the best answer from the options below:
A 40%
B 4%
C 400%
D 0.04%

60/150 = 6/15 = ?

To find out what percent one number is of another, you can use the formula:

(Percentage / 100) = (Given Number / Total Number)

In this case, we want to find out what percent 60 is of 150. So we can use the formula as follows:

(Percentage / 100) = (60 / 150)

To solve for the percentage, we can cross-multiply:

150 * Percentage = 60 * 100

Divide both sides by 150 to isolate the percentage:

Percentage = (60 * 100) / 150

Using a calculator:

Percentage = 4000 / 150

Percentage ≈ 26.67

Therefore, 60 is approximately 26.67% of 150.

Since none of the provided answer options match with the result, the closest option would be A) 40%. Although it is not the exact answer, it is the closest option available.