You are the manager at a company and are asked to present a report on the year-to-date performance of your division. What type of statistical information would you include in your report? In particular, which descriptive statistics (mean, median, standard deviation, etc.) do you think would best represent the main aspects of the performance of your division? What types of graphical presentation (histogram, dot plot, stem-and-leaf, bar chart, etc.) would you include?

To present a comprehensive report on the year-to-date performance of your division, you would typically include a combination of numerical and graphical statistical information. The specific types of statistics and graphs you choose to include would depend on the nature of your division's performance and the goals of the report. Here are some common descriptive statistics and graphical presentations that you may consider:

Descriptive Statistics:
1. Mean: The average value of a set of data, which gives you an overall measure of central tendency.
2. Median: The middle value in a dataset, which provides insight into the "typical" performance.
3. Standard Deviation: A measure of the variability or dispersion in the data, helping to understand the spread of the performance.
4. Range: The difference between the highest and lowest values, to describe the extent of the division's performance.
5. Percentiles: Calculating specific percentiles (e.g., 25th and 75th) can help identify the range of values within which most data falls.

Graphical Presentations:
1. Line Chart: A line plot showing the trend in performance over time can help identify any patterns or changes.
2. Bar Chart: Comparing performance across different categories or time periods can be effectively conveyed using bar charts.
3. Histogram: A visual representation of the distribution of performance values, which helps identify the frequencies of different performance levels.
4. Box-and-Whisker Plot: This plot displays the distribution of values, including the median, quartiles, and outliers, providing a concise summary of the data's distribution.
5. Scatter Plot: Useful for examining the relationship between two variables, such as performance and a specific factor influencing it.

It's important to select statistics and graphical presentations that align with the goals of the report and effectively communicate the main aspects of your division's performance.