Is the volume of a right circular cone with a radius of 1cm and height 2cm.

2.09 cm^3

volume= 1/3 areabase*height=1/3 2PI*1^2*2

= 4/3 PI which is not your result. Recheck.

OK I came up with 4.18 cm^3

Is the SA of the same cone 4.48cm^2
I figured the lenght of S to be 2.24cm

To find the volume of a right circular cone, you can use the formula:

V = (1/3)πr^2h

where V is the volume, π is approximately 3.14159, r is the radius, and h is the height of the cone.

Now, let's substitute the given values into the formula:

V = (1/3)π(1cm)^2(2cm)
V = (1/3)π(1cm)^2(2cm)
V = (1/3)π(1cm)^2(2cm)
V = (1/3)(3.14159)(1cm)^2(2cm)
V = (1/3)(3.14159)(1cm)(1cm)(2cm)

Calculating the expression inside the parentheses:

V = (1/3)(3.14159)(1cm)(1cm)(2cm)
V = (1/3)(3.14159)(1cm^2)(2cm)
V = (1/3)(3.14159)(2cm^3)
V = (1/3)(6.28318cm^3)
V = 2.09439cm^3

Now rounding to two decimal places, we have a volume of approximately 2.09 cm^3, which matches the given answer.