
3 + 4(q + 3) + 4q

3+4(q+3)+4q...does it have an equal sign?

or, does it say what q equals?


3 + 4(q + 3) + 4q

3 + 4q + 12 + 4q

Combine like terms.

15 + 8q

What q equals.

We can't tell what q equals because the problem doesn't have enough information.

Your instructions are to simplify, which I did for you.

To simplify the expression 3 + 4(q + 3) + 4q, we can follow the order of operations - also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication/Division, and Addition/Subtraction) - to simplify it step by step.

Step 1: Simplify the expression within the parentheses.

Inside the parentheses, we have (q + 3). As there is no operation before the parentheses, we can drop the parentheses. So, the expression becomes 3 + 4q + 12 + 4q.

Step 2: Combine like terms.

We have two terms with "4q" in them. We can combine them by adding their coefficients, which are 4 and 4. This gives us 3 + 8q + 12.

Step 3: Combine the remaining like terms.

We have two constants, 3 and 12. Combining them gives us 15.

So, the final simplified expression is 8q + 15.