What is a trinomial(as opposed to binomials and mononomials)?


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how many terms does a trinomial have?
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how many terms does a monomial have?

A trinomial is a polynomial expression that consists of three terms. It is different from binomials, which have two terms, and monomials, which have only one term.

To understand what a trinomial is, let's break down the term "trinomial":

Root word: "nomial" refers to a mathematical expression that is made up of terms.

Prefix: "tri-" means three in this context, indicating that a trinomial has three terms.

So, to identify a trinomial, you need to look for an expression with three terms. Here's an example of a trinomial: 3x^2 + 5xy - 2y^2.

In this trinomial, there are three terms: 3x^2, 5xy, and -2y^2. The coefficients (numbers) are multiplied by variables that have different exponents (2, 1, and 2) in each term. The terms are separated by addition or subtraction symbols.

Remember, the term "trinomial" specifies the number of terms in a polynomial expression. To identify or create a trinomial, you need to count the terms within the expression.