erika has received scores of 82, 87, 93, 95, and 90 on math quizzes. What score must Erika get on her next quiz to have an average of 90?

93 90x6=540


She has 447 out of 500 points now.

0.9 * 600 = 540

540 - 447 = 93

Here are the scores Erica received on her math quizzes.

Find her mean score with and without the outlier.

Quiz Scores: 84, 85, 91, 81, 52, 92, 99, and 91
Answer choices:
84.4 with; 93 without
89 with; 80 without
84.4 with; 89 without
88 with; 79 without

Here are the scores Erica received on her math quizzes.

Find her mean score with and without the outlier.

Quiz Scores: 84, 85, 91, 81, 52, 92, 99, and 91

A play ran for 120 performances. The theater was full for 85% of them.

Which number represents the amount of performances when the theater was NOT full?

To find out the score Erika must get on her next quiz to have an average of 90, we can use the following steps:

Step 1: Find the total sum of scores Erika has received so far.
82 + 87 + 93 + 95 + 90 = 447

Step 2: Add the score Erika must get on her next quiz to the sum.
447 + x (score on the next quiz) = total score

Step 3: Divide the total score by the number of quizzes Erika has taken, which is 6 (including the next quiz).
(total score + x) / 6 = average score

Step 4: Set the average score equal to 90 and solve for x.
(total score + x) / 6 = 90
(total score + x) = 540
447 + x = 540
x = 540 - 447
x = 93

Erika must get a score of 93 on her next quiz to have an average of 90.