a n ammetermust be placed in (series, paraallel) in a circuit because the resistance of the meter is (low, high)

An ammeter must be placed in series in a circuit because it needs to measure the current flowing through a specific component or section of the circuit. Placing it in series allows all the current to pass through the ammeter, which provides an accurate reading.

Now, regarding the resistance of the ammeter, it should ideally have a low resistance. This is because the ammeter is designed to measure current by measuring the voltage drop across its own internal resistance. If the ammeter has high resistance, it would create a significant voltage drop itself and affect the accuracy of the current measurement.

To get the answer to your question, you can refer to the user manual or specifications of the ammeter you are using. It should mention the ideal placement of the ammeter (which is series) and the recommended resistance range (which is low) for accurate current measurements.