does anyone know what the three parts of climate are? i know two are precipitation and temperature. what is the third part??

Check this definition of climate.


No, Jeff. Elevation is not part of climate. Elevation influences temperatures and often precipitation, but it is not included as climate. Please read the link I posted to see the third part of climate.

The third part of climate is called "insolation," which refers to incoming solar radiation. Insolation plays a crucial role in the Earth's climate system. It determines the amount of solar energy received by different parts of the Earth's surface. The distribution of insolation varies based on factors such as latitude, seasonality, and atmospheric conditions like cloud cover and air pollution.

Now, if you want to find this information by yourself, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for the term "three parts of climate" or "components of climate."
2. Look for reliable sources such as educational websites or scientific resources like government climate agencies, research institutions, or university websites.
3. Scan through the search results and quickly identify the key information related to the three parts of climate.
4. Read the explanations provided by different sources to understand the concepts of precipitation, temperature, and insolation.
5. Take notes or mentally remember the information to answer your question accurately.

Remember, it's always a good practice to verify information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.