write sentence using each of the following 1) Affliction: means: effect

2) Pudder: means : turmoil
3) Scanted.means: negleacted.
4) Perpetual: means: ever lasting.
5) Entreat: means: plead,

6) sustain:

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Please post what you think.

Sustain means to support or uphold.

To write a sentence using "sustain," you can first think of a situation where someone or something is being supported or upheld. For example, "The strong foundation of the building helped sustain it during the earthquake."

To come up with this sentence, you could consider the meaning of "sustain" and think about a scenario where something needs support or upkeep to continue. In this case, the foundation of the building provides the necessary support for it to survive the earthquake, thereby exemplifying the meaning of "sustain."