Please check these for me

1.I have to clean the house.
Yo tengo que limpiar la casa.
2.I am going to the library
Yo voy a la biblioteca.
3.I have to clean the house.
Yo tengo que limpiar la casa.
4.I hope to get good grades
Yo espero que sacar buenas notas.

1 - 3 = ¡perfecto!

The reason to use "que" is with "tener + que + infinitive."

You do not have that in #4. All you need here is: Yo espero sacar buenas notas.


Thank you

Sure, I can check these sentences for you. Here are the corrections:

1. I have to clean the house.
Yo tengo que limpiar la casa.

2. I am going to the library.
Yo voy a la biblioteca.

3. I have to clean the house.
Yo tengo que limpiar la casa.

4. I hope to get good grades.
Yo espero sacar buenas notas.

Please note that in sentence 4, "que" is not necessary after "espero." Also, "sacar" should be used instead of "que sacar" to indicate "to get" or "achieve" good grades.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.