What is a type of operator that uses the AND, OR, and NOT?

I'm not sure if it is (SQL) structured query language or search.

The type of operator that uses the AND, OR, and NOT is commonly known as a logical operator. Logical operators are used in various programming languages, including SQL (Structured Query Language) and search engines.

In SQL, logical operators are typically used to combine conditions in WHERE clauses to filter data. The AND operator is used to specify that all conditions must be true for a row to be included in the result set. The OR operator is used to specify that at least one of the conditions must be true for a row to be included. The NOT operator is used to negate a condition, meaning it will return true if the condition is false.

In search engines or information retrieval systems, logical operators can also be used to refine search queries. The AND operator narrows down the search by requiring that all specified terms appear in the search results. The OR operator broadens the search by allowing any of the specified terms to appear in the results. The NOT operator excludes specific terms from the search results.

So, to summarize, the type of operator that uses the AND, OR, and NOT is a logical operator, which can be used in SQL or search engines to combine conditions or refine search queries.