mean of 11 numbers is 35 if mean of first 6 numbers is 32 and that of last 6 numbers is 37 then what is 6th number?

To find the 6th number, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the total sum of all 11 numbers by multiplying the mean (35) with the total count (11).
Total sum = mean * count = 35 * 11 = 385

Step 2: Calculate the sum of the first 6 numbers by multiplying their mean (32) with their count (6).
Sum of first 6 numbers = mean * count = 32 * 6 = 192

Step 3: Calculate the sum of the last 6 numbers by multiplying their mean (37) with their count (6).
Sum of last 6 numbers = mean * count = 37 * 6 = 222

Step 4: Calculate the sum of the 6th number by subtracting the sum of the first 6 numbers and the sum of the last 6 numbers from the total sum of all 11 numbers.
Sum of the 6th number = Total sum - Sum of first 6 numbers - Sum of last 6 numbers
Sum of the 6th number = 385 - 192 - 222 = -29

So, the sum of the 6th number is -29. However, it is not possible to have a negative sum for a single number. Therefore, it seems that there might be an error in the given data. Please check the question again or provide additional information if available.