Q.250 cm3(cube) of the liquid weighs 125 grams. find the weight of 1000 cm3(cube) of the liquid.

Q.The cost of a long distance call lasting 20 seconds was 23.40 at this rate what was the cost of a call lasting 6 minutes 30 seconds.


to get this, we just use ratio and proportion.
let x = weight of 1000 cm^3 liquid.
250 cm^3 : 125 g = 1000 cm^3 : x g
thus we can rewrite this as,
250/125 = 1000/x
solving for x,
2 = 1000/x
2x = 1000
x = 500 grams

here, we also use ratio and proportion. first we convert 6 min and 30 seconds to seconds:
6 min = 360 seconds
thus 360 + 30 = 390 seconds
let x = cost of 390 second call
20 : 23.4 = 390 : x
20/23.4 = 390/x
0.855 = 390/x
x = 390/0.855
x = 456.3

hope this helps~ :)

To find the weight of 1000 cm3 of the liquid, we can set up a proportion using the given information:

250 cm3 = 125 grams

We can write the proportion as:

250 cm3 / 125 grams = 1000 cm3 / x grams

Cross-multiplying, we get:

250 * x = 125 * 1000

Simplifying, we have:

x = (125 * 1000) / 250

x = 500 grams

Therefore, the weight of 1000 cm3 of the liquid is 500 grams.

Next, to find the cost of a call lasting 6 minutes and 30 seconds, we can convert the time into seconds:

6 minutes = 6 * 60 = 360 seconds
30 seconds = 30 seconds

Total time = 360 seconds + 30 seconds = 390 seconds

Given that the cost of a call lasting 20 seconds is 23.40, we can find the cost of a call lasting 390 seconds using a proportion:

20 seconds / 23.40 = 390 seconds / x

Cross-multiplying, we get:

20 * x = 23.40 * 390

Simplifying, we have:

x = (23.40 * 390) / 20

x = 459.00

Therefore, the cost of a call lasting 6 minutes 30 seconds is 459.00.

To find the weight of 1000 cm3 of the liquid, we can set up a proportion based on the given information.

250 cm3 of liquid weighs 125 grams

We can set up the proportion as:

250 cm3 / 125 grams = 1000 cm3 / x grams

To find the value of x, we can cross-multiply and solve for x:

250 cm3 * x grams = 125 grams * 1000 cm3

x grams = (125 grams * 1000 cm3) / 250 cm3

x grams = 500 grams

Therefore, the weight of 1000 cm3 of the liquid is 500 grams.

To find the cost of a call lasting 6 minutes 30 seconds, we first need to convert the time duration to seconds.

A call lasting 20 seconds costs 23.40

To find the cost of a call lasting 6 minutes 30 seconds, we convert the time to seconds:

6 minutes = 6 * 60 = 360 seconds
30 seconds = 30 seconds

Total time = 360 seconds + 30 seconds = 390 seconds

Now, we can set up a proportion:

20 seconds / 23.40 = 390 seconds / x

To find the value of x, we can cross-multiply and solve for x:

20 seconds * x = 23.40 * 390 seconds

x = (23.40 * 390 seconds) / 20 seconds

x = 456.30

Therefore, the cost of a call lasting 6 minutes 30 seconds is 456.30.