Determine if the following sentences are:

a. run-on
b. fragment
c. correct as is.

1. An appendectomy yesterday.
b. fragment

2. When she felt better, the patient ate.
c. correct as is

3. Her pain was evident on palpation the medication did not help even though she was being given both oral and IV solution.
a. run-on (didn't even need to guess)

4. Pupils were reactive.
c. correct as is

5. A hernia in his groin.
b. fragment (what about the hernia)

All are correct -- magnificent!

1. An appendectomy yesterday.

b. fragment - This sentence is missing a subject or verb. It is not a complete sentence.

2. When she felt better, the patient ate.
c. correct as is - This sentence is grammatically correct and complete.

3. Her pain was evident on palpation the medication did not help even though she was being given both oral and IV solution.
a. run-on - This sentence is a run-on because it contains multiple independent clauses without proper punctuation or conjunctions.

4. Pupils were reactive.
c. correct as is - This sentence is grammatically correct and complete.

5. A hernia in his groin.
b. fragment - This sentence is missing a subject or verb. It is not a complete sentence.

1. An appendectomy yesterday.

b. fragment

2. When she felt better, the patient ate.
c. correct as is

3. Her pain was evident on palpation the medication did not help even though she was being given both oral and IV solution.
a. run-on

4. Pupils were reactive.
c. correct as is

5. A hernia in his groin.
b. fragment

To determine if a sentence is a run-on, fragment, or correct as is, let's first understand what these terms mean:

1. Run-on sentence: A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses (complete thoughts) are joined together without proper punctuation or conjunctions.

2. Fragment: A fragment is an incomplete sentence that is missing a subject, verb, or both, and cannot stand alone as a complete thought.

3. Correct as is: If a sentence is grammatically correct and complete, it does not fall into the categories of a run-on or fragment.

Now, let's analyze the given sentences:

1. "An appendectomy yesterday."
This sentence is a fragment because it lacks a subject and a main verb. It is not a complete thought.

2. "When she felt better, the patient ate."
This sentence is correct as is. It contains a subject ("the patient") and a verb ("ate") and is a complete thought.

3. "Her pain was evident on palpation the medication did not help even though she was being given both oral and IV solution."
This sentence is a run-on because it combines two independent clauses ("Her pain was evident on palpation" and "The medication did not help") without proper punctuation or conjunctions.

4. "Pupils were reactive."
This sentence is correct as is. It contains a subject ("pupils") and a verb ("were reactive") and is a complete thought.

5. "A hernia in his groin."
This sentence is a fragment because it lacks a subject and a main verb. It is not a complete thought.

By understanding the structure and components of each sentence, we can determine if it is a run-on, fragment, or correct as is.