What year did the Vikings explore the North American coastlines?



The Vikings explored the North American coastlines believed to be around the 10th century. To determine the exact year, we can look at historical records and archaeological evidence.

To begin, we start by examining the accounts of the Viking sagas. These sagas were ancient Scandinavian narratives that passed down stories of the Viking voyages. One particular saga called the "Saga of the Greenlanders" mentioned the exploits of Leif Erikson, a Norse explorer, who was said to have established a settlement in a land he called "Vinland" in North America.

To further verify this information, archaeologists conducted excavations at L'Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland, Canada. The remains found at this site confirm the presence of a Norse settlement dating back to approximately the 10th century.

Based on these sources, it is widely accepted that Viking exploration of the North American coastlines occurred around the 10th century, specifically between the years 980 and 1010. However, it is important to note that some debate and uncertainty still exist regarding the specific dates due to the limited historical records from that time period.